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2023年4月28日| April 17, 2024 | 6,629 total views

Background: Welcome to the landing page for HEHW. This group was formed in 2017 and began listening sessions with the community in identifying gaps and needs for students. In 2019, the Campus Peer Navigators were created due to advocacy from HEHW and community members. In 2020, consultants launched an in-depth community planning process culminating In the HEHW Strategic Plan. This document details the planning and interviewing processes that led to the development of a united vision, and shared goals and strategies to reach this vision. There is a subcommittee for each Strategic Goal, shared applied learning, 数据收集, and advocacy to better coordinate services for students and expand resources. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, HEHW’s regular facilitation was paused as 现金娱乐网注册 staff were leveraged to oversee the implementation of Project 现金娱乐网注册 Key, an intervention that sheltered thousands of covid vulnerable unhoused neighbors, however the education work of Campus Peer Navigators and other HEHW stakeholders continued. In 2021 HEHW re-launched quarterly meetings, continuing the work of the Strategic Plan, participating in YHDP community planning, 和更多的. 在这一页, you will find notes from the HEHW sub-committees, community training resources, and an updated student housing vacancy list. In addition, you’ll find information on housing resources for folks pursuing vocational options.  

愿景 A future for Los Angeles where basic needs are never a barrier to college students’ success.

任务 Address student homelessness and basic needs insecurity by strengthening Los Angeles County’s higher education systems and community resources.

STRATEGIC GOALS OVERVIEW The Higher Education and 现金娱乐网注册lessness Workgroup (HEHW) has prioritized three strategic goals for the next three years. 这些目标, along with their supporting strategies, serve as a guide for alleviating student homelessness through HEHW’s unique connections to institutions of higher education, 服务提供商, 政府, and the students themselves. With these three goals serving as the overarching targets, HEHW will continuously monitor and update the plan’s underlying strategies as they are enacted, while being prepared to adapt to changing circumstances in the service of achieving these goals

对资源的 for Students such as information on housing 请按此

HEHW Meeting Schedule The next meeting is TBD. Stay tuned for the next 解决问题 training for non-hmis users!

Please Subscribe Me to HEHW to connect more with this work group. 



Improve Data Collection, 分享, and Usage to Better Assess Students’ Needs, 的优势, 和结果 


Utilize Public 政策 宣传 to Increase the Resources and Reduce the Barriers to Student 支持

Shared Applied Learning

Strengthen Institutional and Community Organizational Responses by Facilitating Interorganizational Learning and Collaboration



解决问题 is an intervention, 不是程序, that helps those experienceng homelessness identify possible soutions to help exit or shorten thier housing crisis. This intervention strategy can be coupled with flexible funds if applicable. HEHW is dedicated to spreading awarness of this interventnion and access to funds to educational partners. The following colleges and student housing providers have a staff member trained in the problem-solving intervention with access to 现金娱乐网注册 解决问题 Assistance Funds:

  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校
  • University of Southern California
  • Pasadena City College
  • Mt. 囊
  • Los Angeles Harbor College
  • Cal State University of Northridge
  • 喜瑞大学
  • Rio Hondo学院
  • 洛杉矶城市学院
  • Azuza Pacific University
  • 加州大学波莫纳分校
  • Cal State Dominguez Hills
  • Long Beach City College
  • 种子的房子
  • 希望之雨

The  training for non-HMIS users in 解决问题 is now available each month until June of 2024! 请在这里签名.

College staff who serve students experiencing homelessness may also request HMIS access by partnering with a Campus Peer Navigator.

If you are a student or a College looking to contact a Campus Peer Navigator  请按此

Additional Resources

Youth out of LA CoC Guidance

现金娱乐网注册less Youth Liaisons Directory (cccstudentmentalhealth.org

Student Resources (Accessible) | CSU (calstate.edu)

Student Food Access Security and Basic Needs (FAS-BN) | UCOP

WIN App Online • OCLA (oclawin.org)


Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) Through 消费电子产品展
Higher Education 现金娱乐网注册less Work Group
Problem-Solved: Rafael's Journey 现金娱乐网注册
现金娱乐网注册-Administered Safe Parking Sites in Los Angeles
Tax Season Is Here – Eligible 人 Experiencing 现金娱乐网注册lessness